July 27, 2024

the match between Sports Antofagasta Y Palestinian It was the last of the 27th day of the PlanVital Championship and was postponed for this past Saturday, however, the Municipality of the region did not authorize the entry of the “Arab” campus and neither did Piero Maza, a judge appointed to end the date. .

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“The Directory of the National Professional Football Association (ANFP) It has been agreed, unanimouslydenounce the Club Deportes Antofagasta SADP before the Honorable Autonomous Disciplinary Court of the ANFP, in accordance with the provisions of article 23, in relation to article 75, of the Bases of the First Division National Championship, Season 2022″, says the concise statement delivered by the governing body of Chilean soccer.

In relation to the suspended meeting between the Antofagasta Sports Club and the Palestino Sports Club, valid for the twenty-seventh date of the Plan Vital 2022 National Championship, set for Saturday, October 15 at 6:00 p.m. at the Calvo y Bascuñán Stadium, the board of directors of the National Professional Football Association (ANFP) reports:

According to Article 23 of the rules of the championship, “the obligation to have the respective stadium available for the performance of a match will be the exclusive responsibility of the team that will act as local. In the event that a match cannot be played on the scheduled date and time, because the stadium designated for this purpose is not available, except for force majeure duly qualified by the Autonomous Disciplinary Court, the club that should act as local will be sanctioned with the loss of the match, awarding the points to the rival team, which will be understood as the winner, by a score of 3×0. Additionally, the offending club will be fined up to 1,000 UF, and the Disciplinary Court may determine that this fine, or part of it, be allocated by the Board of Directors to reimburse the expenses incurred and credited by the affected clubs.

And based on article 75 of the championship rules, which states that “the competent jurisdictional body to hear and sanction the infractions provided for in these Rules, which have not expressly designated a different jurisdiction, will be the Autonomous Disciplinary Court of the ANFP .

The Autonomous Disciplinary Court must hear infractions of these Bases ex officio or by complaint from the ANFP Board of Directors, from the different ANFP Management Offices, from the referee of the match in which they were committed, from any club or from any other person. expressly empowered to do so in accordance with the provisions of these Bases. Exempt from the provisions of the preceding paragraph, complaints for infractions that are expressly reserved to certain bodies or persons in these Bases or in other regulatory bodies of the Association.

Complaints must be substantiated and made in writing. Violations of these Bases that do not have a specific sanction will be sanctioned with fines of between 10 and 50 UF, according to the estimate made by the Autonomous Disciplinary Court. In case of recidivism, they will be raised, in each case, to double the last applied fine.

Under these provisions, the Board of Directors of the National Professional Football Association has unanimously resolved to report the Antofagasta Sports Club to the Autonomous Disciplinary Court of the ANFP for infraction of article 23 of the Rules of the National Championship.

This decision is based on the rules contained in the Civil Code (art. 553) which states that the disciplinary power of an Association over its associates must be exercised through a special body with powers (in this case Disciplinary Court), through a rational and fair procedure.

#ANFP #decided #denounce #Deportes #Antofagasta

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