July 27, 2024

The Minister of Justice, Marcela Ríos, acknowledged that the number of convictions of those who violated human rights during the social outbreak would be “very low”, compared to the almost 3,200 legal actions that were imposed during the demonstrations. Lawyers of emblematic cases pointed to Carabineros and the Government.

As a very low number, he rated the Minister of Justice, Marcela Ríos, the sentences that have been passed to date for those who violated human rights during the demonstrations of the social outburst.

These are 14 convictions, compared to the more than 3,191 legal actions presented by the National Institute of Human Rights, almost three years after 18-O.

In this regard, Minister Ríos assured that as a Government they hope that those who find themselves in this situation today can have a prompt resolution and that the victims can receive news regarding the processes that have begun.

It should be noted that within these 14 convictions is included the sentence in the case of the Senator Fabiola Campillai.

Faced with this situation, the lawyer and president of the Chilean Human Rights Commission, Carlos Margotta, pointed to a breach by the State.

Likewise, he assured that the seriousness of the matter would also lie in the fact that none of those who are sentenced today belongs to the Carabineros High Command.

Human rights lawyers criticized the low number of convictions

Other lawyers in emblematic cases of human rights violations, such as what happened with Alex Nunez and Romario Veloz, joined the criticism, pointing to the responsibility of the State.

In this regard, the lawyer Karinna Fernandez He pointed to the need for due diligence and punishment by the State, which does not translate only to the filing of complaints.

“In the case of the homicide of Romario Veloz, he will face a hearing before the Constitutional Court this October 18 to discuss the admissibility of a request presented by the defense of the accused of his still unpunished homicide, with the sole objective of delaying the oral trial” , critical.

“The obstacles that the victims have had to face are innumerable and many of them come from the State that does not comply with its obligations and in other cases because investigations have been directly obstructed or proceedings have not been carried out in a timely manner,” added Fernández.

“General Rozas and General Yañez have not attended the citations that the Prosecutor’s Office has issued to them in their initial opportunity in the complaints against the command,” he stressed.

In that line, the lawyer Cristian Cruz, plaintiff in the case of Alex Núñez, maintained that there has been an inconsistency in the speech, due to the absence of measures against the Carabineros authorities who were in command of the officials accused of committing human rights violations.

“The minister has been very honest, but there are responsibilities here and the first responsibility undoubtedly belongs to the Carabineros, but also to the Government of Sebastián Piñera and this same government, which has given a boost to General Yáñez and General Monrás” Cruz noted.

“We are going to celebrate three years since the brutal assassination of Alex Núñez by the Carabineros and we are still waiting for those responsible, the carabineros who were under the command of the General Monrás Zone headquarters at that time, to be able to sit on the bench. the defendants2, Cruz sentenced.

#Government #qualifies

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