July 27, 2024

Stable and conscious, but still in serious condition, he is Yerko Corrales Fabres (23), son of the historic player of United Coquimbo, Marcelo Corrales, attacked on Sunday by two U21 soccer players from the sports institution.

It is a complex case rooted in a family problem within the pirate circle, which reached its peak with a brutal attack.

The news circulated quickly yesterday after a desperate publication that he made on his Facebook account the Yerko’s mother, Ximena Fabres.

The woman pointed out in the post that her son was “fighting for his life” in the San Pablo hospital, due to the injuries caused by Benjamín Meza (21) and the minor with initials MRR (17), both cadets of the aurinegro club and the the latter, son of former player Miguel Ángel Romero.

According to the background of the case, the two subjects, who on Sunday night were handed over to offices of Carabineros de La Herradura, They attacked the victim at his home and the adult hit him in the head with a baseball bat that had bolts embedded in it.

This caused a severe head injury and an open TBI, injuries for which he had to undergo emergency surgery.

Drama that ended in brutal aggression against the son of Marcelo Corrales in Coquimbo

The problem has been dragging on for a long time, when Marcelo Corrales and Ximena Fabres separated after 35 years of marriage. Corrales began a new relationship, with the ex-wife of Miguel Angel Romero and mother of the minor cadet involved. Since then, both families have been involved in fights.

The conflicts were also experienced between the young people, the two U21 players and Yerko Corrales, who although he is not part of Coquimbo Unido, due to family history he is an aurinegro fan and even a member of the “Al Hueso Pirata” bar.

The last problem was generated after an interview that Marcelo Corrales gave to Las Últimas Noticias. In this publication, he indicated that he was happy in his new relationship and that despite not currently having ties to football, he did not rule out reactivating his sports complex, on land that he owns in the port district.

These cloths are, precisely, the plot where his ex-wife and three of his children live. In this context, Yerko Corrales made a publication on social networks, criticizing the words of his father, which deepened the problems.

Mother of the victim: “They came to kill him”

In telephone contact with El Día, the mother recounted part of what happened that day.

Ximena Fabres indicates that she had left the plot of land where she lives with her children, Yerko and two minors, 15 and 10 years old, 10 minutes earlier. The latter were alone when the assailants arrived looking for the 23-year-old.

“They arrived by car and asked Yerko to come out, throwing stones inside the plot and threatening them, they had no criteria for anything,” he said.

When they saw that the young man was not there, they left, says Fabres, although they would have parked near the home to wait for him. One of his brothers called him on the phone to tell him what had happened, so Yerko quickly arrived at the house and before entering, the attack took place.

“He was going to enter through the gate and they start attacking him. They went around the block and came up behind Yerko, they waited for him to hit him”, says Fabres.

The rest is what is known and the mother confirms it. The two cadets from Coquimbo Unido clashed with Corrales and he defended himself with blows. In the middle of the fight, the oldest of the soccer players took out the modified bat with metallic elements to hit him on the head, causing the victim to faint.

Ximena arrived a few minutes later and affirms that her son would have lost his life if she had taken longer. “He was drowning, if I don’t get there 15 minutes later and I don’t put my hands in his mouth to get the air out, my son dies,” she says.

For Ximena, the fact is clear: “They came to kill him.”

“These people came to kill my son, the bat had more than 15 bolts, someone who comes with something like that comes to kill, not to hit him with a combo. My son fought back,” he says.

Family calls for justice after brutal attack

Ximena Fabres acknowledges that everything is due to the problems that surround both families and blames her ex-husband, Yerko’s father, and his new partner for reaching this extreme.

“She bothered him all year and Marcelo did not cut this, this whole situation, he should have cut it a long time ago, but he did not,” he declares.

According to Ximena, the problems with Yerko have increased in recent times, but she is shocked by the violence they have reached.

“Marcelo should have stopped it, like dad. First of all, for his children. All this triggered what happened. And the woman, how dare you let her son come here to hit my son. My son defended himself from the two to combos, but he gets hit and falls collapsed, ”she adds.

Ximena went yesterday afternoon to see her son at the hospital and reported his condition. “He is stable, with an open TEC, stable within his gravity. At least he laughed, he spoke, he threw his carvings, but very carefully, because the nails that this stick had affected part of his brain, precisely the part of his emotions. Now we have to see how it evolves with the hours that pass, ”she said.

Regarding the case, he indicated that “these young people have to pay in justice, as they should. That’s the only thing I want, that they tell the truth. That bat was prepared to go hit a person and kill them.”

Coquimbo Prosecutor’s Office investigates the attack on the son of former soccer player Marcelo Corrales

MRR and Benjamín Meza were detained and by order of the Public Ministry they went to detention control yesterday.

In the instance, the Prosecutor Freddy Salinas requested an extension of the detention, in order to collect more information that would allow both subjects to be formalized for -until now- the crime of frustrated homicide, which must be supported by key information in which the persecutor works.

“There is not enough background yet to understand the seriousness of the injuries suffered by the victim in this case. Once we have a more complete diagnosis, the investigation will be formalized. There are already several elements of evidence that prove that both subjects participated in these events, so much so that the Guarantee Court declared the extension of the detention to formalize this case with respect to both, “said Salinas in the afternoon.

The proceedings of the PDI began on Monday with the visit of the Homicide Brigade to the Coquimbo Hospital, where the detectives began to gather information and carry out registrations.

As for the quarrels between those involved, the sub-prefect José Cáceres, head of the specialized unit, indicated that the police are “verifying these situations”through eyewitnesses to the event and the video that managed to capture the moment of the attack.

“These records are being evaluated by investigators and will be delivered to the Public Ministry and will be disclosed at the hearing,” added Cáceres.

On the other hand, he stated that the two authors “they testified and are found confessed.”

Coquimbo Unido separated the confessed aggressors from the club

Contacted by The Day, Pablo Morales, manager of Coquimbo Unidos, indicated that they are aware of the situation and reported that they have decided to provisionally suspend those involved and those linked to both families.

As he comments, the problems are known within the club and have already generated inconveniences.

“Our decision is not based on this particular fact, the fights between the children of the Corrales family and Romero have been going on for a long time, that is why while we learn more about the background, we have decided to suspend it provisionally and for safety. of our other cadets to all those linked to the Corrales and Romero families who have some relationship with the club and then we will make the corresponding decisions with the background information on the table”, he closed.

It should be noted that El Día tried to contact Marcelo Corrales yesterday, but he did not answer our calls and messages.

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