Looking to enhance the female entrepreneurship Y digital empowerment of women with subsistence businesses, Google announced the implementation of the Hub of Connected Entrepreneurs, a program that will train 1,700 women throughout Chile with digital tools and financial education, in addition to providing access to seed capital to 400 entrepreneurs, equivalent to 400 dollars for each Project.
The female entrepreneurship initiative, which will be implemented by Kodea Foundationwill begin with the training of women in the Bío Bío and Araucanía regions, and then scale up to the national level through training facilitators so that, throughout Chile, they can in turn educate other entrepreneurs.
Promoting female entrepreneurship in Chile
The launch of the Connected Entrepreneurs Hub is part of the ad made by Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, on June 9 at the Summit of the Americas, where he committed a five-year investment of US $1.2 billion for the Latin American region. Part of the materialization of this announcement in Chile will be made through a contribution of US $500 thousand, through Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm to finance this project.
“The relevance of initiatives that improve the digital skills of women entrepreneurs is enormous. They show us the best face of digital transformation, that of technology driving their ventures, but also their lives and that of their families and even that of other women who may be inspired by them”, said Edgardo Frías, general director of Google Chile.
The women’s entrepreneurship initiative is aimed at small entrepreneurs, since during the pandemic, more than a million women lost their jobs and many found in entrepreneurship a way to reinvent themselves and raise their families. According to the Sixth Microenterprise Survey of the Ministry of Economy, despite the fact that 62% of them use the Internet and digital tools in their businesses, most do not know the opportunities it gives them to grow their enterprises, with low technological literacy which means that many of these businesses do not grow enough to survive over time.
In their training, the entrepreneurs will learn about the potential of the digital tools available to them, they will identify the functionalities of a mobile device for managing a business, they will develop a business plan, they will create an online store on social networks and they will apply separation techniques in the economic management of the enterprise versus their domestic finances, among many other topics.
Google has been working successfully for four years with Fundación Kodea and the Emprendedoras Conectadas program in the Quilicura commune as part of the development program of the Community of its data center located in that area. So far more than 700 women have been trained and empowered digitally. Today, thanks to this new investment, the program is expanding and reaching regions to strengthen the subsistence entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Mónica Retamal F. executive director of Fundación Kodea, added that, “We had the dream of scaling Emprendedoras Conectadas, to support the thousands of subsistence entrepreneurs in Chile who are often forced to start a business as the only livelihood option for their families. Digital empowerment results in economic empowerment, resilience and the ability to adapt to new scenarios. Behind an entrepreneur, we always find a family that supports itself thanks to that income and the program increases their self-confidence and, above all, radically expands the potential market they reach in female entrepreneurship.
#Google #announces #national #female #entrepreneurship #program