July 27, 2024

Within the framework of his agenda, Minister Marcel also held a bilateral meeting with Michael Kaplan, assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere affairs of the US Department of the Treasury, with whom he discussed fiscal consolidation, the Chilean economic situation and possible collaborations on green policies. as in the production of green hydrogen.

The Minister of Finance, Mario Marcelis in the city of Washington, United States, to participate in the annual meetings of the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

As part of another series of activities responded to investors’ doubts about the country’s growth prospects and the progress of the reforms.

During the JP Morgan Investor seminar entitled “Chile: Economic Outlook and Reform Agenda”, Marcel addressed a wide range of economic, political and social issues currently driving the economic and financial market outlook.

“He also answered investors’ doubts about the country’s growth prospects and the progress of the reforms. The event was moderated by Diego Pereira, Chief Economist for Southern Cone, JP Morgan. Subsequently, the Secretary of State met with around 40 investors in XP Investment,” Treasury said in a statement.

Later, Minister Marcel held a bilateral with Michael Kaplanassistant secretary for Western Hemisphere affairs of the United States Department of the Treasury, with whom he discussed fiscal consolidation this year and next, the Chilean economic situation, and possible collaborations in green policies were analyzed as in the production of green hydrogen.

In this instance, held at the World Bank offices, the coordinators of the Ministry of Finance, Moreno and Sansone, also participated, in addition to the executive director of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for Chile, Carlos Álvarez.

With the latter, in addition, the minister also held a bilateral meeting immediately after finishing the meeting with Kaplan.

Later, the head of Teatinos 120 met with Alfonso García Mora, Vice President for Europe and Latin America of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), with whom delved into IFC projects “Which in Chile have grown rapidly over the last year and could grant financing for more than US$1 billion in a wide variety of sectors during these two years.”

Agenda and meetings for Friday

For this Friday, the minister is expected to attend the Plenary meeting (Annual Meetings Plenary).

But before that, Marcel will participate in a conference together with an exclusive group with the US Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration, Lawrence Summers, who will present an analysis of the global economy to then give rise to an open conversation with his interlocutors.

The minister will share this meeting with the finance ministers of Luxembourg, Yuriko Backes; from Egypt, Mohamed Ahmed Maait; from Colombia, José Antonio Ocampo; from Poland, Magdalena Rzeczkowska; of Belgium, Vincent Van Peteghem, and representatives of development banks such as Odile Renaud-Basso, president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Marcos Troyjo, president of the New Development Bank ( NBD).

#Marcel #answered #doubts #investors #reforms #promoted #Government

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