July 27, 2024

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This Saturday, TV + shocked the entertainment world by announcing the abrupt end of the programs I beat Y I Late Primealong with the departure of Daniel Fuenzalida from the channel’s screens.

“We communicate that TV + made the decision to end the cycle of the program Me Late, hosted by Daniel Fuenzalida, so the animator will no longer appear in the channel’s programming,” they said from the channel through a statement.

The news shocked all the followers of the program along with the current panelists of the space: Luis Sandoval, Andrés Caniulef, Sergio Rojas, Laura Prieto and Francisco Halzinki.

Through his social networks, Daniel Fuenzalida shared a video in which he was deeply affected by what happened and told how he was informed of the end of his program.

I beat it’s over. Yesterday (Friday) 10 to 7 in the afternoon the air was on and the manager of the channel, one of the managers, Juan Diego Garretón, tells me to go up to his office at 7, that he is going to tell me something. Next to him is Martín Awad, general manager of the channel to inform me that Me Late was not continuing, ”the announcer began by recounting.

“I was not given clear reasons”

Along the same lines, he confessed that “I am still a bit shocked, I am shocked, I was not given clear reasons why it ended. I was told that they as a channel want to make the program in terms of content, that they want to take charge of that and not the production company that I directed, which is Tónica, and they gave me no more reasons.

“I asked if this was until the end of the year or until the end of the month, if it was until next Friday and they told me no, that yesterday Friday the 14th was the last program. So that’s how Me Late is fired from the air,” Fuenzalida continued.

He also assured that the entire program team was taken by surprise by the drastic decision made by the channel.

“It is a decision made by the channel. It’s a bit unfair, rather unfair I would say, because I’m still shocked, there is no reason to release a program that was doing well in ratings, it was doing well commercially, that we had generated content in the television industry. That’s why I don’t explain it to myself, “acknowledged Fuenzalida.

“My wings were clipped”

The driver then took the opportunity to thank all the panelists and team members who passed by I beat. “No one understands anything, no one understands why we don’t say goodbye on screen, we haven’t sent each other any muddies, nothing… we just don’t understand,” she indicated.

“This was not the most appropriate way to say goodbye (on social networks). I would have loved it, as we are, with laughter, spontaneity, with life stories, but it was not possible, the channel did not want it, “said the driver.

Fuenzalida then expressed that he was saying goodbye to the program “with deep pain; firstly for cutting off my team’s work, hopefully we will reinvent ourselves, secondly, because they cut off the wings of what I love, which is doing television, producing, being on the channel (…) I played it completely, I left many things on the side for this project”

Photo: Instagram @melatetv
Photo: Instagram @melatetv

After these words, Fuenzalida could not hold back her tears when talking about her father. “There were four hours of the day where he could see me, he could accompany him, as we accompany many older adults,” he explained very affected, while thanking his close ones and the viewers.

Finally, the driver closed his emotional message by pointing out that “I don’t understand it, it’s not fair, for everything we gave, we simply gave our best, with successes and mistakes.”

Check the words of Daniel Fuenzalida below:

#cut #wings #Daniel #Fuenzalida #broke #talking #abrupt #Late

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