July 27, 2024

With the tarot cards you will learn the internal and external influences to which you will be subjected on this day. That is why follow these tips so that the energies flow and you are in peace and harmony.


The Two of Wands

The word progress comes to your life, because you have fought hard to get ahead, because you achieve all the goals you have set for yourself, because you are decisive and firm in your decisions. The card also tells you that together with your partner you will achieve success and good fortune.


The Five of Pentacles

A very difficult season is coming for you in business because they do not finish starting and you need allies to achieve them. The card warns you that you will have to make a decision regarding the person next to you because you feel disappointed and do not want to continue in a vicious circle.



It is a beautiful card of triumph in love, of consolidation of a couple and of stability and emotional balance. It also talks about the excellent time you are in to move business and that everything goes successfully. So take advantage of this good energy.


The magician

It is not enough to have money, status or fame, you must have that connection with the intentions you have to achieve your goals, with the love you put into what you set out to do in the future. The letter also warns you that It’s time to get serious about love matters, it’s time to talk about consolidation and coexistence with your partner.


The Page of Wands

You have a unique capacity for dedication that has allowed you to grow professionally and that with a positive attitude you will achieve the promotion for which you have fought all this time. The letter tells you that You should take advantage of this moment to enjoy social life because at any moment you will meet that person who will change your life.


The Six of Pentacles

You have to feel calm because that waiting time for new opportunities is over. What you expected so much arrives and you will start a new stage that will make you grow professionally. If you feel alone, calm down because you are going to meet someone who will make your heart beat and you will be reciprocated.


The Eight of Wands

You took a different path with fear that things would not go well, but it turns out that they are on track and with good economic prospects. The letter tells you that A blessing comes into your life that you asked so much of the universe. Well, you are granted that longing that will change your life.


The Six of Wands

You have to work hard to achieve your well-being and that of the family. You come from very difficult times, but little by little the panorama will improve. The letter tells you that You must have a positive mind and attitude because you are going to achieve it and you have the full support of your partner in whatever you decide.


the priestess

You cannot miss this opportunity that is presented to you in front of you. Either you dare to go down that road and try how it goes or you stay stuck in the same place. It is a decision that is very clear before your eyes, but fear does not let you make it. The card tells you to dare because your economic improvement depends on it.


The Three of Cups

Times of celebration, a promotion, a new position that will bring benefits to you. You will be able to help part of your family and also consolidate yourself as a couple. The card tells you that you manage this triumph very well and that you do not allow the ego to break with your kindness and generosity.


The King of Wands

You feel insecure where you are, but it will be for a short time. An opportunity comes to you in the midst of a chaos that had you very anxious and worried because you felt that you would be left with nothing in your hands. The card tells you to hurry up the decision and to strive to achieve all the goals you set for yourself.


The Four of Pentacles

You have to believe in yourself and take the risk to take the step to consolidate that undertaking that has cost you so much sweat and tears. Don’t let the discouragement of not making progress determine your willpower to keep fighting. You have the support of the family and the partner to carry it out.

#Tarot #day #card #govern #sign #today #Wednesday #October

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