July 27, 2024

Author: CZ / October 16, 2022

“It was super strong… Many people wrote to me and told me ‘you, your whole family, die.’ It was strong for my family…”, Cata Vallejos recounted in La Divina Comida.

The former figure of the Calle 7 program who today works with her Instagram expressed, in the fall of 2021, her personal anti-vaccine position on that social network, which caused a wave of criticism and comments from the Minsal authorities.

Now, in the Chilevisión program -where he shared with Fernanda Hansen, Germán Codina and the decorator Cristián Preece- he related about that episode:

Tasting Vallejos: “Everything is self-taught. I have never had a team behind or anything (for their content on Instagram)”

Christian Preece: “And today is it profitable? Can you live on Instagram?

Vallejos: “Yes, you can live on Instagram. But I feel like I’m at a point where I have to do other things. Not just Instagram”

Price: “What is sweet and sour?”

Vallejos: “The cool thing is that you can reach a lot of people and broadcast whatever you want. And the nice thing is obviously one says things that not everyone likes. And he is brigid… »

Hansen: “What has been the hardest moment?”

Vallejos: “This last time, when I talked about vaccines, of all my years of life, I think it was the most quatic thing I’ve ever experienced”

German Codina: “What happened, Kate?”

Vallejos: “They asked me if I was going to get vaccinated. And I said no, because I had already gotten covid, I had already felt what was happening in my body. And I was also a little scared, because these vaccines were just coming out. It made me a little nervous and I still didn’t feel like it… And people didn’t like that answer very much…”

Fernanda Hanson: “It was a naïve response, innocent, not thinking”

Vallejos: “But obviously”

Hansen: “It’s not like ‘I believe in the vaccine conspiracy or paranoia’”

Vallejos: “Zero, not at all. I said this and they started to do shit to me in the mornings, minister, I don’t know, it came out everywhere. And I’m like ‘what’s up?!’”

Codeine: “It’s just that you probably had more influence even than you thought…”

Vallejos cries: “Obviously it hurts. It hurts too much. I had a bad time, bad…”

Codeine: “Quiet. It is understood that there was no malicious intent on your part.”

Price: “It must be very strong to feel, in quotes, ‘hated’ by all of Chile”

Vallejos: “Yes, it was super strong… Very strong, because many people wrote to me and told me ‘you die, your whole family.’ It was strong for my family… It was super heavy, heavy. I don’t care if they tell me anything, but for me it was hard, for my family. I don’t like that they suffer for me.

“And I took this out a little bit of learning. And people don’t know my behind either, cachai? I worry about taking vitamins in the morning, about eating well. And newer things make me a little more nervous. And you have to have a little more respect for them.

“That was my comment. It was never to instill or tell people ‘don’t do it’. No. Everyone has their opinion.

During the fall of 2021 Vallejos, 33, expressed on Instagram sayings such as the following:

“I’m not going to get vaccinated. The why is also because in reality I almost never get vaccinated with anything, with any type of vaccine that comes out, not with the flu, or with anything that has come out new, because I feel like I can defend myself. My defenses are very strong, I try to feed myself super well.

In addition, at that time he traveled in the middle of one of the peaks of the pandemic in Chile, with the Metropolitan Region in quarantine and the borders closed.

The influencer documented her trip by sharing videos from her arrival at the Santiago airport. She immediately began receiving criticism. To one of them she replied “the one that she can can and the one that does not applaud like you”

Vallejos argued that he then lived in Peru with his boyfriend, the Argentine actor Ignacio di Marco, with whom he later ended the relationship.

#started #shit #me.. #mornings #minister #hurts #terrible #time #recalls #Cata #Vallejos #statements #vaccine #midst #pandemic

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