September 5, 2024

Actor Kevin Spacey had his first victory in court after facing actor Anthony Rapp, who was the first to denounce him for sexual abuse.

This Thursday, the New York jury decided to dismiss the accusations against actor Kevin Spacey for sexual assault against Anthony Rapp, who accused having been attacked by the actor in the 1980s.

Specifically, Spacey was declared not responsible for injuries against fellow interpreter Anthony Rappwho accused him of having tried to seduce and touch him with sexual intent in 1986, when he was a minor.

Rapp claimed $40 million in compensation for “emotional distress” due to the facts that he denounced.

Composed of 11 people -six women and five men, the sixth was sick- the jury had to answer an eight-question questionnaire presented by the investigating judge of the case, Lewis Kaplan, at the end of almost two weeks of trial.

Neither of the two protagonists made statements after the announcement of the jury which puts an end to one of the different complaints of sexual assault against the Hollywood star, winner of two Oscars.

In the complaint that Rapp, he assured that Spacey, who was 26 at the time, she had attempted to sexually abuse him during a party at his Manhattan apartment.

He recounted that when the guests left, he picked him up “like a boyfriend to the girlfriend”, placed him on the bed, lay on him and rubbed his groin on his body, before managing to free himself and take refuge in the bathroom.

However, the protagonist of “Star Trek: Discovery” He acknowledged that there was no touching, no caresses under the clothes, no kisses, no erection in the “15 to 30 seconds” that the moment lasted which he said traumatized him.

Judge Kaplan had already dismissed in June the charge of “sexual assault” due to facts considered time-barred and not covered by the New York Child Protection Law of 2019.

On the other hand, Monday ruled out the existence of intentionality for purposes of “sexual gratification” in the event that the reported events had occurred.

The versions of Kevin Spacey and Anthony Rapp

In what might resemble a script for “House of Cards,” the hit Netflix series starring Spacey, the respective legal teams They sought to prove or disprove that said party and said attempted abuse really occurred.

“This never happened,” Spacey’s attorney, Jennifer Keller, repeated Thursday in closing arguments.

He added that his client “is grateful to live in a country where citizens have the right to a trial by impartial juries that make their decision based on evidence and not on rumors or social media.”

The defense team of the protagonist of “LA Confidential” made Rapp fall into several contradictions.

In addition, in his version, Rapp would have omitted to mention that when he met Spacey after a theater performance, he was with an older friend, John Borrowman, 19, and that the three of them went to dinner and have a drink before going. to Spacey’s apartment.

According to Spacey’s defense, that was the only time Rapp was at his house.


Forensic psychiatrist Alexander Bardey, introduced by the defense, He assured that Rapp does not suffer from post-traumatic stress, as he alleges, but rather has traits of narcissism.

Instead, the plaintiff’s psychologist, Lisa Rocchio, stated that Rapp, also homosexual, suffers from difficulties in his love relationships, sexuality, anger and depression.

He noted that in 2017, when he first reported the events in a BuzzFed magazine article, He had post-traumatic stress disorder.

kevin spacey disappeared from screens and stages after being swept away five years ago by the global wave of #Metoooriginated in the United States.

Despite this triumph in court, Spacey still has problems with the law. In June 2023, He will have to stand trial in the UK for alleged sexual assault.

Likewise, had to pay 31 million dollars to the producers of House of CardsMedia Rights Capital, because the complaints against him accelerated the end of the series.

#York #jury #dismisses #sexual #assault #charge #Kevin #Spacey

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