September 5, 2024

As innovation continues for users, Samsung Electronics is preparing to present its latest developments at the Samsung Developer Conference 2022 (SDC22), where it will show off updates to its software, services and more, with the aim of improving the overall user experience. Username. To learn more about some of the thinking behind these developments, Samsung Newsroom sat down with four speakers from SDC22 to find out more.

Health Care Research Hub | Jinwoo Song, Principal Engineer | Samsung Research Data Research Team

As people become more health-focused, the tech industry has realized the value of pursuing projects that help people manage their health and fitness. Principal Engineer Jinwoo Song of the Samsung Research Data Research Team explained how the Samsung Health Stack project helps developers and engineers streamline app development and more.

Q1. What does the Samsung Health Stack do and what benefits does it ultimately offer?

Samsung Health Stack is an open source project that helps conduct research related to digital health using wearable devices, develop the necessary applications, and create tools for the server back end and analysis in the Android and Wear OS environment. By using the Samsung Health Stack, developers and IT engineers can save the time and costs required to develop the right environment, and researchers can focus more on conducting research studies using new digital data. I believe that such convenience for development will be a great foundation for various forms of digital healthcare research and new data-driven technologies.

Q2. What was the open source approach when designing the Samsung Health Stack?

We designed it by analyzing the user experience of everyone involved in healthcare research so that the solution can be tailored to the entire process of participant recruitment and data collection and analysis. When some difficulties arose during the course of development, we found solutions through health care-related cooperation with many research institutions.

Additionally, we strive to provide a structure that can continue to scale to handle new forms of data and devices that become of interest to digital health researchers. In particular, we have designed the structure so that only certain necessary parts can be selected and expanded for use in order to allow application in various cases beyond clinical research, such as area of ​​care, etc.

Q3. What do you think will be the direction of the development of data-driven healthcare technologies?

Due to technological advancement including AI and the transition to an aging society, digital technology that focuses on consumers and data is becoming more important in the field of healthcare. To respond to such changes, it is important to have the ability to securely manage and accurately analyze various data about users.

We believe that in the future there will come a world where everyone will be able to receive optimal and personalized healthcare solutions with data about the daily lives of users. We will continue to strive to develop technologies and products to make this possible, and we hope to see many developers participating in this effort.

Collaborative UI Design Principles | Josh Ross, Content Strategist | MX Business UX Core Group

To create the best product experience, Samsung’s One UI platform offers a simple and intuitive interface across all its devices, putting the user at the center of its unified device experience. Content Strategist Josh Ross of Samsung’s MX Business UX Core Group shared the inspiration behind One UI and how it was created with users in mind.

Q1. What is One UI and what experiences does it offer users?

One UI is the unified platform for Samsung Galaxy products, from phones and tablets to watches and Galaxy Books. Create a single, seamless experience that empowers users to get the most out of their Samsung products.

Q2. To create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for users, One UI adheres to four key principles: Simplicity, Ease, Consistency, and Authenticity. Can you explain why these principles are important to the development of One UI and how you think this improves the mobile experience for users?

Principles are necessary so that you can be sure that your design is heading in the right direction. We have chosen these four principles because they put the focus on the user, which is what we always want to do. Simplicity helps users focus on what matters. Ease means you don’t have to work hard to get things done. Consistency means that things work the way you expect them to work, which helps things work effortlessly. And authenticity is about creating experiences that feel natural, as part of your own self-expression. When these principles come together, the result can be very powerful, but also subtle. You don’t always notice all the work that goes into design, and that’s really good. The best design is almost invisible.

Q3. Why are associations an essential part of One UI? What are the benefits of One UI development partnerships?

Associations are a big part of the One UI experience. As good as Samsung is, we need the insights and the knowledge of others to provide the best experience for users. Partnerships make apps like SmartThings and Samsung Wallet possible, so you can do amazing things like control your car or lights, make payments, board a plane, and more – all right from One UI. Partnerships enrich our Samsung Health content with fitness expertise on everything from sleep training to body composition to mindfulness. Associations add flavor to your chats with GIFs from Giphy and Tenor, stickers, fun camera features on Snapchat, and much more. Partnerships like the Global Goals app, a collaboration between Samsung and the UN, help raise awareness for important causes.

We want to empower our users to do things the way they want, with the apps and services they love. Partnerships are a big part of that.

Q4. Going forward, what are some of the things users can expect from Samsung’s One UI?

We have a lot of stuff that we’re announcing at SDC this year, so I don’t want to give away everything, but you can always expect more refinement and improvement. We look at everything from icons and animations to how you organize and find things and much more. We’re learning more and more from our users about how the foldable experience changes things, so keep looking for exciting developments in the unique resource area for the Galaxy Flip and Galaxy Fold.

Telemedicine on Samsung Devices | Sean Park, Senior Product Manager | Visual Display Business Experience Planning Group

Samsung has also partnered with HealthTap to provide telemedicine services through its Smart TVs. Samsung’s Tizen, an open source operating system, helped developers optimize the service for use on Smart TVs. Sean Park, Senior Product Manager, Experience Planning Group, Visual Display Business, explained more about accessing telemedicine through Samsung Smart TVs.

Q1. How did Tizen help with the development of this service?

Samsung Electronics’ Tizen intelligent operating system (OS) provided the foundation for easy navigation on the big screen. Tizen is implemented very quickly, as evidenced by what we were able to achieve in three months.

Q2. What are the benefits of accessing telemedicine services through Samsung Smart TVs?

Everything nowadays has become remote. We want to provide Samsung users with a more convenient way to access healthcare, which is telemedicine.

Samsung’s collaboration with HealthTap allows you to see a doctor through a large screen from the comfort of your own home, creating a more immersive telehealth experience. If you want to access services including mental health advice, you can do so with Samsung Smart TVs. For those who are a little older and whose vision makes it difficult to use a small mobile screen, or for those who need to hold young children while seeing a doctor, they can easily access telehealth services through Samsung Smart TVs. We want everyone to be able to easily see a doctor from home, which we believe is not only convenient but necessary.

Joint efforts in standardization towards an open ecosystem of UWB services | Haeyoung-jung, Principal Engineer | Samsung Research Standards Research Team

Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has been gaining more and more attention in the smart device industry. Principal Engineer Haeyoung Jun of the Samsung Research Standards Research Team spoke about the importance of UWB standardization and how it could shape the future of the industry.

Q1. What is the role of the FiRa Consortium that Samsung Electronics established in 2019 with key players in the industry and what specific activities does it carry out?

The FiRa Consortium develops the interoperability standard and certification program to enable consumers to use services powered by ultra-wideband (UWB) technology on smart devices from different manufacturers.

After the FiRa Consortium was initially established by just a few companies, including Samsung Electronics, there are now more than 115 member companies participating together in defining the interoperability standard. Additionally, FiRa is exploring various applications using UWB and is cooperating with multiple standards organizations in various industry verticals for the standardization of these applications.

Q2. We would like to know why UWB technology is gaining attraction recently and how it is advancing.

As many service providers and manufacturers investigate usage scenarios using relative location information obtained through direct communication between devices without heavy infrastructure, the barriers to deploying UWB technology and applications have been lowered. Along with Samsung Electronics, global companies are also implementing it in their devices. As the number of technology-enabled products on the market increases, there will also be motivation to install UWB infrastructures. We anticipate that if just one or two game-changing UWB applications emerge on the market, the ecosystem will expand rapidly.

Q3. We would like to know in detail what the new era of wireless communications envisioned through the standardization of UWB technology would look like.

UWB technology enables your own devices to detect the location, including distance and direction, of other nearby UWB devices. It also enables secure data transactions between devices, as well as secure internal interfaces, so UWB can provide different types of location-based services that GPS cannot. For example, UWB brings the same effect as NFC tagging to a reader even with the smartphone placed in a pocket or bag. With standardized UWB technology, consumers will be able to access convenient new services across multiple verticals.

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